January 26, 2012

A Challenge for the Month of Love :)

I love the month of February because it's the "love" month! Yes, my romanticism can soar high during this month! :) I thought I'd share with you something I am going to try during this love month. On Saturday, I am going to sit down and think of five different things to do each week of February to show my Mr. that I love him. I'll lay it out on the calendar like I do on the Monthly Family Fun page (here). Some of the things I've thought of that I can do are cook his favorite meal, write him a love note, fill his truck with balloons, schedule a date night, watch his favorite movie with him, etc. I'm excited to do this for the man who does so much for me! Maybe you would like to take this challenge with me? Be creative and think of things you know your man will love! Let's have fun planning a month that will make our Mr.'s feel very special!

A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband... ~Proverbs 12:4a

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