January 20, 2012

A Creative Date Night

Last week, I published a post entitled Habits for Falling in Love Again. This post received more hits than any post I've ever published before. That leads me to deduce (maybe not so correctly - the Mister does insist my logic is usually faulty) that either A) there are a lot of women out there who want to fall in love again and keep their marriage strong; or B) there are a lot of men out there who wish their wives would fall in love with them again! :) (I tend to lean toward deduction A!) :) Every time I hear of someone who is going through a divorce, my heart breaks. I don't want to judge - it's not my place - but I can't help but ask in my heart, "Did you fight for your marriage? Did you do every thing, EVERY LITTLE THING possible to make it work?" I have found that nothing good ever comes easily, and marriage ranks right up there at the top! A good marriage is hard, HARD work!

As I mentioned in that post, the Mr. and I haven't had much one on one time since the arrival of our little one, but I have determined that I am going to be creative and do the best I can to give us a date night tonight. I have "hired" my 8 year old daughter to "babysit" the little one tonight. (The great thing about hiring an 8 year old is that you don't have to pay in money; you can exchange services. She's babysitting for me tonight, and tomorrow, I'm going to do her nails and experiment with a new updo for her hair!) So, the 8 year old is going to watch the newbie, and the other 4 kiddos WILL play nicely in their rooms! (I know this will work... I'll make it work!) :) The Mr. and I are going to sit in the living room and have lots of uninterrupted conversation (Yeah, right!) and attempt a game of Monopoly!, is all this going to happen just like I'd want it to? I'm sure it won't. Will it be the perfect date night?! So, what's the point? The point is I'm showing my man that I love him and that I am willing to put everything else aside and make time for him! I'm showing him that I'm trying to be his lady and that I want to be his lady. After all, if I wait for the perfect date, will it ever happen? There will always be a reason not to have a date night (no money, no babysitter, no time...), but I want my mister to know that I love him, and I love our marriage, and I'm not going to be guilty of not doing everything I can to make this the best marriage ever! I can tell you from experience, marriage is WONDERFUL - the best thing that ever happened to me - but it is HARD WORK! So, ladies, be creative and have a great date night with your man. And if you have a minute...share some of those creative ideas with me!

1 comment:

  1. Christy,
    I find your blog so motivating and thought provoking that perhaps for the benefit of so many you should write a book! Your thoughts are so important to so many and such a help. Pray about and consider the possibility?!
