August 21, 2012

Miscellaneous Ramblings and A Fun Back to School Snack!

Alright!  So, I've crawled out from under the piles of books and laundry and dishes long enough to say hi!  We began school this week.  Monday - a little rough!  Tuesday - much, much better!  However, I am still trying to figure out when I can actually sit down on a regular basis and write!  (Don't tell the teacher, but my schedule says I'm supposed to be practicing my violin right now!)  I have got a million and one things I'd love to write about, but because my violin lesson is tomorrow, and I do desperately need the practice, I'll keep it short and sweet today! 

Number 1:  I love the way we are homeschooling this year!  I know we're in the "easy" stage right now, but seriously, we all look up when the Mr. walks in for lunch and can't believe how fast the time has gone!  I love the variety, the hands on materials instead of so many textbooks, the many, many interesting books we are reading, and the lack of papers to grade at the end of every day!  It thrills my soul! :)  Just in case you are worried, we are having school here!

Number 2:  I have found several super good reads in the last week on a couple of blogs that I follow.  I thought I would share.  This one is from Girl Talk - a mom and three daughters who write together about every day life while giving  good bits of practical teaching from the Bible.  They are in the middle of a series concerning social media.  This article definitely made me squirm a little!  The second article is from At the Well, and it perfectly expresses my feelings on "sheltering" our children.  (Yes, I'm one of those weird moms who does that!)  This author hits the nail on the head and has given me a way to answer those who may question why the Mr. and I parent the way we do. A MUST READ!!!

Number 3:  Get ready for this!  I have started over in my 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge!  Yes, roll your eyes - that's what the Mr. did! (He didn't roll his eyes because he doesn't want me to read the Bible! :)  As he pointed out, I have a tendency to not finish things unless I can do them perfectly.  So, I either start things over a million times or never finish them!)  Anyway, I wanted to try it again from the beginning with a routine in place.  So far, I'm right on's only day 2! :P

Number 4: I drank (had to google which verb form to use on that one!)  8 glasses of water, exercised and practiced my violin (well, I'm going to get out of this chair in just a minute to practice) every day this's only day 2! :P  We'll see how long this lasts!

Number 5: It's Tummy Tempting Tuesday!!!  In honor of Back to School Week, I thought I'd give you a cute little snack to try out.  My kiddos loved helping me make it and enjoyed eating it even more.  Unfortunately, I don't think it will pack well into a lunch.  So, you either need to begin homeschooling your kiddos (hee! hee!), or you can opt to fix it for an after school snack!  Either way, it adds a little variety to snack time!

Apple Sandwiches
Peanut Butter

Core the apples and then slice them across so that you have the hole from the core in the middle of the slice. (Did that make any sense?)

Slather the slice of apple with peanut butter.  (Miss E and I REALLY slather!)

Sprinkle granola on top and enjoy!  You can make your own granola, or you can take the easy route (like I did) and buy some.  We really enjoyed Cascadian Farm's Fruit and Nut Granola!  

Well, that wasn't as short and sweet as it was supposed to be!  I really need to get to that violin now!  Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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