October 4, 2012

Why I Am Extraordinarily Thrilled to Be a Wife and Mom

Today, I am extraordinarily thrilled to be a wife and mom!  I feel so blessed to be called by God to this small nucleus of people.  There are some times when I feel as though I have put aside or need to put aside many important things in order to "only be a mom."  There are a few times when I feel like no one recognizes that I am a person too who would like to do other things every now and then.  There are many times when it hits me in the face that no one really cares that I just swept the floor for the 10th time today or just wiped off the table for the 20th!  (Please don't tell me I'm the only mom who feels this way!  The truth be told, this is not exclusive to moms.  Most jobs bring these feeling along at some time!)

Here is why I am thrilled to be a wife and mom, though!  It is because of the many things I am learning along this journey.   One thing I have learned (and learned the hard way) is that the best place for any mom to be is at home with her man and her kiddos, but it's also the place Satan wants you at the least.  I have heard many people talk of why the world is the way it is today.  Some people say it began to make its downward spiral when prayer left the schools or when people began buying votes instead of earning them or perhaps when churches began to  emulate the world in an effort to gain bigger crowds.  I contend that our downward spiral began when the lady of the house left the home.  What we as wives and moms do, day in and day out, with very little recognition or appreciation is - when looking at the big picture - extremely vital to our society - and even more so to our personal little family!

I am learning that, in many ways, the wife and mom of the home truly does set the direction of the family.  Our actions speak volumes, and our little ones are watching us constantly.  We have been given this amazing opportunity to be God's hands to our children.  We can show them God's love in a way that no teacher or friend can, but we have to be there to be able to do that!  If you are a mom struggling with finding the contentment of being at home, I want to tell you first of all, I understand.  I was there 6 years ago.  I almost consented to teach 1st and 2nd grade full time so that I could escape the struggles I was facing at home.  (Ironic - I know.  Leave my home with 4 kiddos (at that time) to go spend the day with 20!)  I want to encourage you not to give up!  That's what Satan wants you to do, and he is feeding your soul full of lies!  Here are a few things that have helped me push through those days (or sometimes weeks) when I want to give up and pursue my own agenda. 

1. Pray daily - sometimes minute by minute - that God will help you find joy in being the wife and mommy He has called you to be.  

2.  Become consumed with God's Word and discover all the many ways you can show your family the love of Jesus.  There are many, many principles from God's Word that you can pass on to your family by being an intricate part of their daily life and by making God an everyday topic in your home.

3. Make yourself indispensable to your family.  I realize that my Mr. and kiddos really do not care if their laundry is folded neatly in the drawers or if the bathroom is free of dirt and grime, but I do know that they miss my presence when I am only away for a few hours!  Make your home fun and full of laughter.  Make your home the place your family wants to be more than anywhere else.  

4. Surround yourself with women who have the same goals as a wife and mom.  This is extremely important because we moms sometimes think we have to do this all alone. We are afraid that if we tell anyone our shortcomings, they will forever see us as an unfit mom. The truth is we need the support. Just as people who work a job have co-workers who can relate to situations and stress of the job, we need other moms who can relate to our daily struggles. We need to see other women who are fighting for their families.  We need to know we are not "in the trenches" alone. It is difficult to find wives and moms who share the passion of staying at home and ministering to their families.  If you don't have another mom close by who shares your same passion, I would encourage you to go to Sally Clarkson's blog I also highly recommend her books The Mission of Motherhood and  The Ministry of Motherhood.  

All of this takes work - and lots of it!  I also know from experience that going from a discouraged, why am I here?, this life really stinks perspective to a joy-filled, thankful, can't wait to see what happens today life takes time and patience.  Remember, we are BUILDING a home, a legacy that will outlast any bank account, any nice house, any certificate of recognition.  It takes time! Just like a builder, every stage of the process shows slow progress and little by little, we can see the results of our effort.  Unlike a builder, we are learning much as we go, and we must have faith that (what I humorously call) this "Grand Experiment" is going to produce the outcome that our hearts' desire.  We are building something that will last forever and carry on and on through generations. We cannot quit!  We cannot give up!

And that is why I am extraordinarily thrilled to be a wife and mom today!  I know that what I do today may not ever be shouted from the rooftops. "Christy just changed another poopy diaper today, folks!!!"  However, what I am giving my family today is what they will give their FAMILIES. I am influencing this world in a dramatic way times FIVE!!!  I want my children to pass on God's love, God's Word, God's desires and God's passion to their FAMILIES!  The fact that God has entrusted me with a wonderful Mr. and five little lives is amazing, and I pray that I do not waste one moment of the precious little time I have to build a legacy that will outlast my lifetime. 

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
~Proverbs 14:1~ 


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