October 26, 2012

Homeschool Journal - 10/26

In my life this week...
I have enjoyed settling in.  Nothing big has happened here, and I have enjoyed the calm.  The Mr. will be busy for the next few weeks getting his work winter-ready.  The kids and I are spending more time reading.  I am hoping to catch up on some of the extra household chores tomorrow so that we can spend the beginning of next week getting costumes ready for our church's Fall Fun Fest on Wednesday.  Coming up with five amazing costumes is quite the challenge for this brain of thankful for the internet with all of its ideas!

In our homeschool this week...
We are working away and have finished week 9 this week!  I sat down this week and finished up the lesson plans for our schooling through Thanksgiving.  It was a chore but provided much motivation!  We began taking a winter break from Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day a couple of years ago and love it!  We will continue reading for the older two, and I will try to review blends with the little two so that we don't forget all of it, but other than that, we are going to enjoy our winter vacation!
I can't say enough good about our Right Start math!  We switched over to it this year, and of all the changes we made, this was the one I was most nervous about (because it was the most expensive change)! :)  My kids love this math and all the games that are used in it.  I like the way it teaches math with patterns and encourages different ways to find an answer to a problem.  It has helped me as I have been teaching the kids!  It does require that I be present and teaching the entire lesson, but I enjoy playing the games too, so it's usually not a problem!

Helpful homeschooling advice or tips to share...
I have been reminding myself these last few weeks that showing my children a personal relationship with God, encouraging them in their relationship with God, and building excellent character are the main focus and reasons for homeschooling in our family.  Yes, academics are important, and we cannot let them slide too much, but if our priorities are the three above, there will be moments, sometimes days, that all the school may not be accomplished.  However, prayerfully, I will have five children who have learned more about God's love for them and how to serve others unselfishly.  In light of eternity, there really isn't anything more important.
I'm reading...
I have almost finished A Charlotte Mason's Companion by Karen Andreola.  I am working on Seasons of a Mother's Heart by Sally Clarkson and A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus by Elizabeth George.  They are both fairly easy reads but have been practical and encouraging and are helping me to grow as a Christian wife and mom.

I'm praying for...
This week, I am especially praying for our country.  I have been praying that we, the people of America, would wake up in time to save ourselves from this deadly path we've chosen.  I have been praying for the leaders of our country - that they would right the wrongs that have been made and speak the truth.  I have been praying that truth be revealed and that God would be glorified.  I have been praying that our country would once again become a Christian nation whose heart follows God's heart.  

A photo to share...
My sweet porch decorations lasted an entire half a day.  You will notice half of one straw bale has been strewn all over the porch.  I owe a big thank you to our outside dog, Bell, for that one.  Apparently, he thinks he needs a straw bed to lay on!  SPOILED DOG!!! :)

Not much new here really, but that's our week!  We will be linking up here on Monday again with Joyful Mom Monday!  This Monday, I am going to share a few of our Family Fun Night ideas, and I would love to hear some of yours!  Because summer nights in our family are usually spent outside, we haven't had an official Family Fun Night in awhile.  Now, that the days are shorter, we will be getting back to them, and I need some fresh ideas!  Until Monday, I hope you all enjoy a wonderful fall weekend!   


  1. That's so great you were able to get so caught up on lesson plans. I love the idea of taking Thanksgiving-New Years off. :) I read your family fun post; we used to do family fun nights...I haven't done as well since the addition of a 4th child...but you have 5 so I can't use that as an excuse. :)

    You asked - we have just been purchasing the Chronicles of Narnia series unabridged off We currently have a membership which makes it a little cheaper.

  2. Don't worry, Jenny! It seems to take me FOREVER to get things back to "normal" after adding a new one to the family! Thanks for stopping by, and I will definitely check out We drive an hour one way to go anywhere, and I would love to have more audio books for the kids to listen to! Thank you!
