May 21, 2012

What's Been in My Week and on My Heart!

What a wonderful last few days we've had here at our house!  I'm so thankful that I am blessed with a family that I actually enjoy having around!  As crazy as that sounds, I think it is becoming more and more unusual.  My parents and 3 of my brothers and sisters were well as my Grandpa and his wife!  We did a little sightseeing, some game playing, threw in some shopping, had lots of snuggle time and LOTS of Mountain Dew!  For me, one of the most special times was watching my Dad baptize my little girl...well, she's almost 9, but the older she gets, the more I think she'll just always be my little girl!  My mom, sisters, Miss E and I also enjoyed a crafty morning and finished decorating some picture frames for my Family Fun Hallway!  I can't wait to hang them up this afternoon!  I also loved talking with my PawPaw (aka Grandpa) who told us all kinds of stories about his life growing up.  He told us about a rolling store (who ever heard of such?), his sister holding onto the back of the car while he and his Dad were driving through town to the barber shop (I think she got into some big trouble for that one!), and how they used to have washday on the ranch!  I wouldn't mind going back to those days if I could take my washing machine...and my dishwasher...and my indoor plumbing...maybe I better just stay in 2012!

That's a little of what has been happening here.  My family left right around lunch time, and now we are preparing for the Mr.'s parents to arrive here this afternoon.  They "migrate" here for the summer, and we are looking forward to spending some time with them!  

This week, I hope to begin getting us back into a routine.  The house projects are all finished.  We have some outdoor projects we would like to work on, but for the most part, I think we are going to use this summer to work on self discipline (in the parents and kiddos).  Our goal this summer is to slow down and focus on the important things in life: our personal relationships with Jesus and our relationships with each other and others.  I think that we humans get so caught up in what the world expects from us that we forget what God expects, and our family is guilty too!  I encourage you to take some time this summer and evaluate your lifestyle.  Are things crazy?  Is your relationship with Jesus the most important thing in your life?  Do you even have time for a quiet time with God each day?  We make time for the things we believe to be most important.  According to the way you have spent your time this last month, what is most important in your life?  I's not pleasant to ask questions like that, but it is necessary.  So as our family digs in and begins working in this area, would you like to join us?  Like-mindedness and accountability make these goals so much more achievable and sustainable.  I'm praying that as we begin our journey this summer, it will open our family up to some amazing and radical changes, and that we will become the family who lives out their Christianity in such a way that it will be able to do nothing other than point others to Jesus Christ!  What is your prayer for your family this summer?  God can do so much more with people who are willing and open and full of faith.  I pray that I will become that kind of person!   I have a long way to go and a lot of work ahead of me, but I know it will be worth it all when I reach Heaven and finally see my Jesus! 


  1. someone needs to put all Paw-paw's stories in a book...always laugh so much with him around :)

  2. I know! I love him so much!!! I gave him a Remember When Journal, and he filled it out and gave it back to me while he was here. I love it, and it is definitely something I will treasure forever. Lots of fun stories but also lots of wisdom.
