February 16, 2012

The Lesson Learned from Crash and Burn

These last few days have been full of celebration for our family. Our Mr. Personality made his entrance into our family the day before Valentine's Day - FIVE YEARS AGO! So, we celebrated - in full Mr. G style - his fifth birthday! I love this little guy. He keeps everyone laughing and is down deep a sweet and sensitive little guy who will fight to the ends of the earth for what he believes is right (unfortunately, we still need to work on his definition of right in a few areas :) )! We celebrated with a Thomas Train party and ended the day by playing with the big hit present -the Go Fishing game!

We all went to bed - well, everyone but the newbie and mommy that is. He and I got to spend some one on one time until about 2:00 that morning - yeah...not really the one on one time you look forward to. Poor little guy was not happy and had screamed pretty much the entire day all the way into the next morning! It was a LONG day. Then, came the alarm at 6 AM, and I really did need to get up because I needed to get our Valentine's breakfast ready and the Valentine's table set, and we also had a meeting an hour away that I needed to be at. Despite how horrible this all actually wasn't bad at all. God was good and gave me the energy I needed to accomplish everything, and all the kiddos were in good spirits (particularly the newbie)! I was even able to have lunch with a friend, and that's always a special treat!

Moving on to Wednesday. You know, my sister and I have this saying that with kiddos it seems you can only have one good day at a time. Life with children can just never be good two days in a row. So, Wednesday, we'll keep it short and to the point...we crashed and burned...all of us...mommy and all five kiddos! By the time we left shortly after lunch to take Miss E to piano lessons, we had each had our own meltdowns. But I have found that once we all calm down, I can be thankful for even these awful moments in our family life. Thankfully, they don't happen very often (at least not as badly as this one was). I was able to see where I need to change, and some of my kiddos saw where they need to change, and we were all able to make apologies to each other and to God and begin fresh and new. I'm so thankful for God's forgiveness...and for my children's as well.

I write all this because I don't ever want to be guilty of painting an unrealistic picture of my life. Being a home schooling mom of five kiddos leaves me feeling drained, exhausted, pulled in a million different directions and a little more than slightly insane at the end of nearly every day. But it also gives me a joy like no other, a perspective of God and His love that many people miss out on, and a dependency - no a clinging to God like I've never had before. In my own strength, each day would be like this Wednesday. It's taking awhile and a lot of repetition, but slowly, I am learning that I can do nothing in my own strength. When I begin each day looking at my life and my to do list with God's perspective, I can see all the many adventures and opportunities that He has for me and my family, and that's when life becomes an exciting journey instead of a mundane routine!

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. ~Philippians 4:13

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