February 5, 2011

Having Fun Together

One of the many, many reasons that my husband and I have chosen to homeschool our kiddos is that we want to spend everyday life with them having everyday fun and enjoying the everyday moments. I have found that even though I am with my children all day long I still become "too busy" to enjoy them and to have fun with them. This year, I decided to - you guessed it - MAKE A LIST of all the fun things I want to do with my kiddos. That way, I have a plan and a goal to reach. January was amazing! We had so much fun just taking time to have fun! So, for the month of February, I sat down and actually made a calendar with a list of fun things to do each day. Most of the things listed are things that the kids and I do together after quiet time (without Daddy :( ).

However, Tuesday night has become our Family Night, and we all take time to enjoy that night together! This past Tuesday, we had silly night where we all wore silly costumes, played charades and had banana splits BEFORE supper! At the end of the night, Miss E. gave me a big hug and said thank you for having fun! She quickly asked what we would be doing next Tuesday! :) What an amazing reward for only 2 hours of our time!

You can see a copy of my calendar on my FAMILY FUN PAGE. Please keep in mind that this is only a goal. Except for Family Night, plans are subject to change, and we may not even have a fun time one day (OH MY!)! But my philosophy is, if you have a goal you will accomplish more than if you didn't! Some moms are blessed with the ability to have spontanous fun. I envy those kind of moms. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. I'm learning and growing and trying to take time for that spontaneous fun, but until then....a calendar works wonders for me!

Be sure to let me know what fun things your family does together! I'm always looking for new ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely one of those moms who get caught up in the busyness of the day & forget to take time for fun! I have been working on it though...I try for 'fun Fridays' because it is easier for me to have fun when I know that most of the house stuff is done for the week! Lat friday we had game time & movie time during supper...which is a special treat for the boys. I will have to check out your fun page.
