January 14, 2013

Joyful Mom Monday - Goals for 2013

Counting God's Little Blessings
It's Monday!  Are you ready for it?  I think I am!  Last Saturday evening, I sat down in my clean house and laid out all my plans for the following Monday.  We were starting back to school.  I had my lists, goals and plans all ready. My menu for the week was even prepared! I was so on top of it that I knew something would certainly go wrong.  That's why Miss Madelyn woke up literally screaming with an earache and running a slight fever.  And that is about how the rest of the week went for us! it is, time for another Monday, and I'm really hoping this one goes better!  

Speaking of goals and plans, that is today's Joyful Mom Monday topic.  What goals do you have for this new year that will help you become a more joyful mom?  I really steer away from the word resolutions.  I guess it's because I know that I tend to dream big and make high expectations that have a high possibility of  not being met or at least not being perfectly met.  I am a firm believer in setting the bar high though because it does make me try harder.  I would much rather fall somewhat short of my goal but work hard for it than to set a small resolution just for the satisfaction of being able to say I did it. 

What are your goals for this year?  I have a few I'll share with you...not because you need to make these your goals, but almost as an accountability for myself. (It makes me work harder if I know I have informed the entire world of my goals!) :)  My spiritual goal is to learn to pray more effectively.  A couple of personal goals I have are to be more structured and disciplined in my daily routine (getting up early every day would be a great start!), to begin digitally scrapbooking each of my kiddos' first year of life and to focus on my Mr.'s needs and desires more.  There a few habits I would like to work on in our family as a whole.  They are more consistent Scripture memory, better morning and evening routines, and finding more opportunities to serve others as a family.

Something else that I have never done before and am still working on is writing out each of my kiddos' strengths and weaknesses and finding Scripture verses that affirm their strengths as well as verses that  will help provide victory in weak areas. I plan to take some time with each of them so that we can talk about these things together and so that I can hear their thoughts and dreams of what they want to see happen or change in their lives this year.  I have never done this before, but I am excited about the possibilities.  I want my children to know that I see and know their strengths and weaknesses and that I will walk beside them and fight with them for victory in their hearts.  

New beginnings are exciting...and overwhelming.  Remember Daniel 11:32?  "But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."  Don't just dream.  Take action,  Sometimes action begins with the smallest of steps, and that's OK.  A little at a time, a little each day can take you a very long way towards your goal.  Don't forget to link up and share with us your dreams, goals and plans for 2013!

Wishing you a day full of blessings,

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