January 28, 2013

Becoming Chosen

The outline and majority of these thoughts (I have added a few of my own) were shared by Sarah Clarkson, Sally Clarkson's daughter, at the conference my sister and I were able to go to.  Because they were so inspiring and thought-provoking, I thought I would share them with you.

As we read through the Bible, we see over and over how God carefully chooses certain people for certain tasks - not just tasks but world changing events! What is it that God is looking for?  Why does He choose that person instead of this one?  Some of the people God chose were nothing like we may have chosen, but we must remember that God is looking at the heart - the inside part where no tricks or hypocrisy can be played.  As Sarah studied out several women in the Bible and the way God used them, she found four major themes that ran through each one's life, and these may just be the reasons why God chose them to play an exceptional part in His plan during their lifetime. 

STORY - Every person longs to know that their life has meaning, and we long to know that our lives are a part of a bigger picture.  God has called each of us to live a great part in His story, but are we willing?  God has written the story, but are we trying to rewrite it our way or play a part He didn't intend for us to have?  The way we can know God's story for us is by reading and loving His Word.  It is not just a book of rules and laws.  It is His story for our lives.

STILLNESS - In order to engage with God, we must cultivate quietness.  We must come away from the clamor of the world so that we can hear his still, small voice speaking to us.  Mary was a ponderer. Esther waited, prayed and fasted for three days before she approached the king. Mary of Bethany sat at the feet of Jesus.  All of these women remind us that we cannot be greatly used by God unless we come away from everything else and be still and hear His voice.

SUFFERING - Mary suffered much as the mother of the Savior of the world.  Esther knowingly risked her life when she could have easily hidden her identity.  Mary of Bethany followed Jesus faithfully and probably experienced ridicule and rejection from family and friends. Suffering will come to all of us, but we, like these women in Scripture, must meet suffering with faith. What does it mean to live godly in a broken world?  It means creating life and beauty and celebration in the midst of the dark times and suffering that comes.  It means believing always in a beautiful and good God who has your best interests at heart.

SENT - Each person ever to be used by God in an extraordinary way has always been willing to do anything and go anywhere.  Are you willing to live the story God has planned for you?  Are you willing to be chosen?  Because if you are, "the God of the universe wants to meet with you."

Wishing you a day full of blessings,

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