January 25, 2013

Homeschool Journal - 1/25

Now that it is January 25, I thought I would finally link back up to the Homeschool Mother's Journal!!! I have missed doing this, and I want to be able to keep a record of this journey so that I can look back on it in the future with a fondness that I may not always feel right now! :)


In my life this week...
I feel like I am beginning to feel our rhythm of life again.  I know! I know! It has taken forever, but I am thankful that life is slowing down.  I have also adjusted several things in my personal schedule and in our school schedule making things flow a little more smoothly.  

In our homeschool this week...
Because I was away for part of last week attending Sally Clarkson's conference, we were playing a bit of catch up this week.  We focused primarily on phonics, reading, math and history.  I have begun using The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer, and the kids are enjoying it very much!  It teaches history in chronological order and comes with an activity guide that includes projects as well as suggestions for more reading on each subject.
Garrett and Madelyn began reading WORDS this week!  My babies are growing up on me!  It is still a very slow process, but their smile when they finally read the entire word all together is absolutely worth it! 

Our biggest homeschooling change this semester has been to finally switch over to year round schooling.  I've thought of doing this several times but was not completely sure of the capacity of my self-discipline!  (I still am not sure of it!)  However, looking at the schedule, there was just no way to teach 3 and possibly 4 different age levels, keep up with a baby, and keep up with home and the sweet Mr.  It has taken so much pressure off of me to focus on our larger subjects 3 days a week and our smaller subjects 2 days each week!  I can breathe again!  Now, if I can just keep it going during the summer months when we are so tempted to be lazy and enjoy the sunshine!

My favorite thing this week was...
Watching the kiddos all work together to plan and write a play about Samson - our Bible lesson this week!  They even had balloons blown up and shoved up Andrew's shirt for his "strong muscles" and then popped the balloons when his strength left him!  A+ for creativity!
I'm grateful for...
Being able to go to the conference last week!!! It was such an inspiring weekend, and I was able to go with my sister who I only get to see about once a year!  I'm also extraordinarily grateful to my sweet Mr. for watching the kiddos while I was gone.  He handled things quite well with the help of the second mom in the house, Evvie! (Who, by the way, received a bouquet of flowers from her Daddy for being such a helper!)

I'm praying for...
Wisdom in the area of managing my time!  I have sooooo many things I want to accomplish in this life, and it seems like there is never enough time!  I need wisdom to focus on what is most important right now and to know what I should save for another day.  

A quote (or few) to share:
A few more quotes from Sally's conference:
"We (moms) will never be good enough, but God is more than enough."
"If you do not have a large vocabulary, you cannot think profound thoughts."
"We do not have heroes because people do not live by God's purpose."
"Hope believes that my life will matter."
"The difficult times that come into your life will be what allows your children to see your faith.  They will remember what it looks like to serve God in difficult circumstances because they saw you do it."

Wishing you a day full of blessings,

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