September 1, 2012

Pursuing Excellence

I remember thinking last Sunday evening on the way home that I had several things I wanted to write about this week.  It's amazing how quickly a stomach bug and only 7 hours of sleep in a 4 day period can quickly dissipate any inspiration you may have had!!!  I think we are all 100% again and very happy to be!  However, I am still experiencing severe writer's block!!!  I have sat down 4 or 5 times to write and keep erasing it all! So, for today, I will leave you with a link to a post from my favorite blog - I Take Joy!  Sally wrote an immensely thought-provoking article entitled "Christians, Addicted to Mediocrity...Why?"  The Mr. and I have been challenging each other in this area because one of the biggest desires for our family is to not settle for the good but to excel to the best!  I encourage you to take just a minute to read this article and then pursue the excellence that Christ exampled for us while He was here on earth.  

Praying you have a wonderful weekend, and by the way....Happy September!!! Can you believe it?

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