April 23, 2013

Soft Oatmeal Cookies (Even When You Bake Them Too Long!)

Whew!  I have been up to my eyeballs cleaning my bedroom - yes, unfortunately, you read right!  My bedroom has been sorely neglected, and so I dug in today!  It's a good feeling to wipe off the 3 inches of dust though!  Might be an even better feeling if it never had a chance to collect that much dust, but you can't be perfect at everything, right?  Please tell me there is someone out there who can relate!!!  :)  

Anyway, the newbie and I are hanging out right now, and so I am also trying to type with him in my lap.  I did want to leave a recipe today.  I have been on a baking spree lately, and I have particularly been on a mission to find a soft yummy cookie.  You know, the kind that are soft even if you accidentally leave them in the oven a little too long.  Not that I ever do that, of course!  Well, I believe I found one!  These are scrumptious and chewy!  I hope you have a chance to click on the picture below for the recipe so that you can bake them for your family and friends this week!  I am off to finish up the bedroom.  I am almost finished and will enjoy sleeping in a dust free bedroom tonight!  It's the small things, right?  Have a wonderful Tuesday evening! 

Wishing you a day full of blessings,

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