April 12, 2013

Homeschooling Journal - 4/12

In my life this week...
I have not accomplished as much as last week.  I guess I used all of my energy in last week's endeavors!  I am still slowly checking things off the to-do list, but this week it's been the easy stuff. ;)  The weather has been cooler, and we have had a little more rain.  We desperately need the rain, and so I can't complain, but I was looking forward to sitting outside and enjoying the sunshine while re-reading Pride and Prejudice.  Ah well, there will be plenty of sunshiny days in the near future, I am sure!
In our homeschool this week...
We have not been as organized this week, but we still managed to finish all of our main subjects.  On Monday, the house was in great disorder from having begun the switch of seasonal clothing and not finishing due to an impromptu family trip to our BIG town about 1 1/2 hours away (which, I must say, was far more enjoyable than changing out all the clothes)!  Tuesday brought our monthly M&M's meeting with our church's mommy group - a day the kids and I look forward to all month long.  Wednesday we actually had a normal day, but on Thursday, I battled a terrific headache most of  the day and could not even think of reading to the kids.  Today, has been catch up day, and I think we succeeded!  I'm so thankful for the flexibility homeschooling offers - in moderation of course! ;)
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
As previously mentioned, the entire family went to the BIG town.  While there, we went to the kiddos' all time favorite place - Chuck E. Cheese!  Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera, but the Mr. captured a couple of cute pics on his phone.  The Mr. and I had been to town a few weeks before for a getaway trip, and I have a serious confession to make...we went to Chuck E. Cheese by ourselves so that we could play ski ball!!!  When we arrived, we ordered 20 tokens, but the lady at the register misunderstood and gave us $20 worth of tokens.  We showed her her mistake, and she said it would take too long to recount them all so just keep them!  So, there the two of us were with a ridiculous amount of coins to play ski ball with.  Our arms became way too tired to even think of using all of them!  Our five kiddos spent two hours spending them all! Another secret....while the Mr. and I were there, he put a couple of coins into one of the games where if you hit the right spot, it will give you a bazillion tickets!  He hit the right spot and won 416 tickets!!!  He was such a sweet man and saved them for the kiddos to spend this night!  They were thrilled!  It was a wonderfully fun evening, and as we were walking out the door, every kiddo was saying he/she was tired!  BONUS!!!  We got into the car, and each of them gave the Mr. a penny (that they had found in the seats of the car) and told him thank you for spending his money for them to have a fun night!  Isn't that sweeter than sweet?

My favorite thing this week was...
Just enjoying time with my kiddos.  There have been several moments this week that have made my heart soar with thankfulness that I have the opportunity to be with my kids all day every day.  I love being silly and making them laugh, and I love cuddling up with them and having heart to hearts.  
My kiddos favorite thing was...
Chuck E Cheese, of course!  And also, they found an annoyingly shrill whistle that they had lost over the winter.  They are thrilled.  I, on the other hand, am thinking that the whistle may disappear again! ;)
Things I'm working on...
I still need to finish up the American history dates and make a timeline for them...UGH!  If I can get all of the dates organized, I'm sure Evvie and Andrew would love to help with the timeline.
I'm cooking...
My sister gave me the best meatball recipe I have ever tasted!!!  I prepared that for the family last night.  I will be posting the recipe this Tuesday for my Tummy Tempting Tuesday post!  It's amazing, and if you prepare the full recipe, it is enough for TWO meals!  I freeze the others for a quick dinner later on in the month.
I'm grateful for...
My parents.  They both aged another year this week (very gracefully, I assure you!)! I am thankful beyond words for all that they have invested in me and the ways that they continue to support me and counsel me.  They gave me such a Biblical foundation and directed my heart so that I was able to avoid many regrets.  Thank you, Dad and Mom!  I love you!

I'm praying for...
A little girl named Natalie. She was born just a couple of hours after my little Gavin was.  She was in NICU for awhile after birth and has been in and out of the hospital ever since. They have finally discovered that neither parts of her immune system are working and that is the reason she keeps getting these nasty infections in her blood system.  Each time I hold my little Gavin close I feel so thankful for his health, and I pray for sweet Natalie.  I know they would appreciate your prayers as the doctors will be reviewing her case and deciding treatments for her over this weekend and into the beginning of next week.  

That is our week!  I am hoping to get a couple of big projects checked off my list this weekend, and possibly, if the weather will cooperate, we will grill our first hamburgers and initiate our new fire pit!  YAY for warmer weather!

Wishing you a day full of blessings,


  1. Visiting from ihomeschool blog hop. Doing the clothing switch here too and it always drives me crazy! Especially when the four year old keeps trying on the clothes and leaving them all over the house. But, I'm grateful we even have spring clothes to try on. Enjoyed reading about your week. What a sweet family and Momma! Have a blessed week.

  2. Looking forward to the meatball recipe! Thanks for stopping by my Journal this week.

  3. I totally sympathize with the changing-out-the-clothes things. With seven kids, it is one of my least favorite tasks (right after cleaning the toilet--5 boys--LOL).
    Sounds like your family had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese! Those will be precious memories, I'm sure. :-)

  4. Ha! Ha! Judy, I can totally relate to the toilet thing too!!! That just made my morning! Good luck to all of you ladies switching out your clothes. I finished mine, and now the temperature has not reached 50* this week! Oh was to be expected. I'm glad I left out a few winter shirts and jackets. :) Happy Homeschooling today...I need to get back to mine!
