December 27, 2011

Three Exciting Things!!!

I am so excited about so many different things today! I'll only bother you with three of them today! :) The first is my new blog look...isn't it sweet? I had to do a lot of googling (is that a word?) to figure out how all this is supposed to work, but I think it paid off! :) I have also updated each of the pages, so take time to check them out if you have a chance!

I haven't sat down to blog since our little one arrived. So, in case you haven't heard, we have a sweet little boy who is absolutely adorable and so far fairly well-behaved! :) I have enjoyed sitting in the rocking chair and holding my sweet boy an awful lot these last few weeks. It's hard to believe that he is already five weeks old. Time sure does go by quickly! (Sigh!) So, that was exciting thing number two!

Exciting thing number three: I feel almost normal again! :) Between recovery from a c-section and those crazy pregnancy hormones, it's been a roller coaster month, but this last week, I have finally begun to feel like my old self. I am looking forward to starting school back with the kiddos, blogging again, and setting small goals for this next year! I have spent today writing away in my journal and calendar making lots of plans for the year to come. I know, I know...this event always sets me up...I have such idealistic goals but forget to add the realistic life! :) It's still fun to do, though, and I really do believe I accomplish more than I would if I never made my lists at all!

I hope that all of you are looking forward to a New Year with new goals and fresh starts. I'm so glad God gives us opportunities to "start fresh" again. I'd love to hear what your New Year's goals/plans/resolutions are. I'll be letting you know more about mine soon! Thanks for stopping by and reading. I do hope that I can bring encouragement to your heart and a smile to your face each time you read! Have a beautiful night!

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